Canadian donations to Hagar are processed by GCF, which is a registered Canadian charity. Funds will be directed to Hagar USA and tax receipts are issued by GCF.
Donate via the form below, or by cheque. Make cheques payable to Hagar USA and mail them to GCF’s mailing address: PO Box 14006, Abbotsford, BC V2T 0B4
Just a few months ago, 17-year-old Maya was rescued from a life of exploitation.
Maya’s rescue was possible because Nin* (another survivor rescued ten years ago who was supported by Hagar.) Nin received Hagar’s holistic support including medical care, legal aid, and counseling all overseen by a caseworker. Nin’s family also received support and was trained to know the signs of human trafficking. And it was Nin’s family that made the call that saved Maya.
Maya now has a fresh start and the chance to heal. But her journey is only beginning, and she’ll need support and help to rebuild her life and truly thrive.