East Coast journey fosters connections and collaboration

Hagar is fortunate to have supporters and partners all over the United States and Canada. Last week, members of our international team visited Washington, D.C. and New York City to deepen relationships with key stakeholders, partners, and supporters.

Beginning in the US capital, the team hit the ground running with a series of meetings with partner organizations, prospective supporters, and policy makers.

Hagar board members and staff visit Chemonics in Washington DC. From left to right: Adam Broadway (Hagar USA Board), Peter Baynard-Smith (Interim CEO Hagar International), Catherine Kirkendall (Hagar USA Executive Director), Amie Gosselin (Hagar USA Development Director), Jeff Buterbaugh (Hagar USA Board chair).

One of the key events in D.C. was our meeting with Rep. Jeff Jackson’s office, to increase awareness about Hagar’s work in Afghanistan. This insightful session allowed us to share our experiences, hear about the strategic areas Congress is focusing on this year, and discuss ways to lasting change.

Catherine (left, Hagar USA) meets with Tom Koester from Jeff Jackson’s office.

Throughout our visit, we prioritized engaging with partner organizations invested in fighting human trafficking and modern slavery. In D.C., we met with Winrock International, Free the Slaves, and Innovations for Poverty Action to discuss possible future collaborations.

Hagar and Free the Slaves teams at the Free the Slaves office in Washington DC.

In New York City, we met with several organizations, foundations and corporations to exchange ideas and forge new connections.

New York’s skyline from Brooklyn.

As we look back on our time in D.C. and New York, we are filled with gratitude for the warm welcome, support, and encouragement we received. The relationships we deepened and the new connections we made have invigorated our team. We are excited to build on the progress made during this visit and continue working towards a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

If you’re inspired by our journey and would like to learn more about our work or explore potential collaborations, please reach out to us at usa@hagarusa.org. We’d be delighted to hear from you and discuss how we can work together to prevent human trafficking and help survivors heal and rebuild their lives.       

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