

Hagar USA Logo


Impact & Response

Dear Hagar family,

What is currently unfolding across the globe is an unprecedented moment in our history, bringing with it uncertainty and concerns for the future. However, Hagar remains as committed as ever in its mission of transforming the lives of women and children overseas who have survived human trafficking, slavery and abuse. We are striving to ensure that those we work with have a future, beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, where they thrive.

Stay tuned to this page as we will be providing regular updates on how the COVID-19 crisis is impacting the countries and communities we work in, our Hagar survivors and the extra steps we are taking to ensure they are safe and healthy.

Would you like to make a further impact to support survivors through this challenging season? We need to urgently raise $250,000 by May 20. Would you please partner with us by making a tax-deductible donation so that Hagar can continue its life-changing work?

Message from our Global CEO

For over 26 years now, Hagar International has been supporting some of the most vulnerable women and children in the world – the survivors of human trafficking, modern slavery and abuse. Over this time, we have had the privilege of successfully transforming tens of thousands of lives and also to be a catalyst in stopping these things from occurring for good. In a time of crisis, like the one the world faces now with COVID-19, our work with some of the world’s most vulnerable people is even more important than ever.

COVID-19 is affecting people across the globe, including our highly vulnerable clients in the countries where Hagar serves. We have plans in place in each of our countries both to protect our staff and also to continue to serve our clients as best we can. These plans include undertaking client counselling remotely, holding training on-line, using technology to complete other activities in safe ways and, where possible, having staff work remotely, while we pass through this challenging period. We will regularly update and revise these plans as the situation unfolds.

We will continue through this time of uncertainty to do all we can to help serve our clients whilst maintaining the safety of our staff. As is Hagar’s motto “we will do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes to restore a broken life” and we won’t let COVID-19 stop this important calling.

We thank you for your continued amazing support and partnership at this challenging time. It enables us to continue to free and heal the 40.3 million people in the world currently affected by human trafficking, modern slavery and abuse.


Dr. Andrew Catford
Global CEO, Hagar International




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