

Hagar USA Logo

Urgent: Survivors Need Your Help

Ensure Trafficking Survivors Receive Care

Critical foreign assistance funding that helps victims of trafficking and abuse has been frozen. 

90-day pause on U.S. Government foreign aid has put Hagar’s life-saving programs in Cambodia and Afghanistan at risk. 

Without immediate support, survivors of human trafficking could lose access to safe shelter, trauma-informed care, and legal aid.

Will you help bridge the gap?

Located in Canada? Click here to access our Canada Giving Form.

Survivors Like Maya Need You

Maya (name changed for safety) was rescued from trafficking and found safety and healing through Hagar’s care. 

But now, due to this unexpected funding pause, she and many others are at risk of losing the support they desperately need.

While we advocate for the swift restoration of funding, we need compassionate supporters like you to step in. 

Your generosity today ensures no survivor is left without care.

How Your Gifts Help

Your donation directly supports survivors with counseling, safe shelter, business opportunities, and comprehensive care. 


Counseling Icon


$50 can provide one month of trauma counseling and therapy for one survivor.


Protection Icon


$100 can protect one woman or child from online sexual exploitation.


Business Start-Up Icon

Business Start-Up

$250 can help one woman to start her own business and be self-sustaining.


Complete Care Icon

Complete Care

$300 can provide one month of complete, holistic care for one survivor.

Other Ways to Donate

Choose a donation method that’s best for you. With Hagar you can donate by Check, Phone & Donor-Advised Funds. We also accept donations from Canadian Donors via our Canada donation form.

Donate via Venmo


To give by check, make checks payable to Hagar USA.

Mailing Address:
Hagar USA
1609 East 5th Street, Suite #2
Charlotte, NC 28204

Stock, IRA or Donor Advised Fund

You can donate to Hagar through gifts of stock or from your IRA or Donor Advised Fund. Or contact us for more information.


If you would prefer to donate to Hagar by phone, please give us a call. We’ll be happy to process your donation over the phone.

Phone: (980) 272-0114

Canadian Funds

Hagar USA partners with GCF, a registered Canadian foundation to provide tax-deductible receipts for donors from Canada.

Learn More

Financial Accountability

Hagar USA is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization with Tax ID: 20-1507669. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Hagar fully meets the Better Business Bureau’s standards for Charity Accountability.

Learn more.

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