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Empower Women with Possibilities

Hagar Partners with A21 in Cambodia

Hagar Partners with A21 to Provide Foster Care for Child Victims of Human Trafficking in Cambodia May 21, 2024 – Hagar has just signed a two-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to extend our partnership with A21 in Cambodia. Hagar’s partnership with A21 began in Cambodia in May 2022. A21 is a global anti-trafficking organization with programmes in 14 countries. Hagar and A21’s partnership in Cambodia works to provide foster care for trafficked

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Raise awareness during the Super Bowl and beyond

Super Bowl, Human Trafficking and Hagar While there is no definitive data that confirms a spike in human trafficking in the host city during the Super Bowl, we can use our collective voice to raise awareness during one of the biggest sporting events of the year. Sex and labor trafficking happen in every country and region of the world (and in every US state). To tackle an issue of this magnitude, it’ll

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Tuân was two years old when he was trafficked to China

Tuân* was just two years old when he was trafficked from Vietnam to China along with his mother. His mom had been promised a good job across the border, only to be sold to a local man who abused them. “I was terrified,” she says.   When her husband died, Tuân’s mother was forced out of the house and left homeless. Together, she and Tuân scavenged for scraps and trash they could sell

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Mony rebuilds her life

After two years of support, Mony is now thriving in community

A story of resilience unfolds in Cambodia. After two years of support and care from Hagar, Mony* is rebuilding her life and thriving in her community as a seamstress. When Mony turned 18, she moved from her small village in Cambodia to the capital city, Phnom Penh, to start work at a factory. Soon after, an old friend from her hometown reached out and reconnected with her. This friend told Mony about

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So, you watched The Sound of Freedom. Now what?

The Sound of Freedom movie, is a 2023 released film based on a true story. It’s a powerful call to action to confront the harsh realities of human trafficking. As the credits roll, we have the opportunity to channel our shock, horror and sadness about the reality of child exploitation, and take tangible steps to make a difference in the world. So, you watched the Sound of Freedom, now what? Four things

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Trafficked Cambodian woman

Rana was trafficked by her best friend, today she is healed and thriving

Rana’s harrowing story of being trafficked mirrors the plight of millions of Southeast Asian women.  Rana (name changed to protect survivor privacy) grew up in an impoverished family in rural Cambodia. When her best friend promised her a good job in China, she jumped at the chance. She was going to be a “good daughter” and help her family. But when she arrived in China, her best friend sold her to a

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Despite it all, I remain unbroken

Like any loving parent, Lua wanted what was best for her and her daughter. She worked tirelessly at her small sidewalk stall in Vietnam, but it wasn’t enough. When a customer approached her with a dream opportunity – the chance to have a high-paying job in the UK – Lua filled in the form, paid the (sizeable) fee, and submitted her identity documents. Lua put everything into the opportunity for the promise

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