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Empower Women with Possibilities

Tam’s Story

For years, Tam shouldered the immense responsibility of supporting her family alone. Neither she nor her husband received formal education. Both their son and daughter were born with cognitive disabilities, putting more strain on Tam and her husband. With few opportunities to earn a living wage, Tam’s family fell deeper into poverty and violence. Tam faced weekly episodes of severe physical and verbal abuse from her husband. Though many in her community

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Mien’s Story

Mien enjoyed spending time with her friends and would often visit her close friend’s rented room for social gatherings and chatting. But one day, she discovered a hidden phone recording her while she was taking a shower. Shocked and terrified, Mien reported the incident to the police, but no evidence was found. The traumatic experience left Mien feeling hopeless and anxious, causing her to lose weight and live in constant fear. She

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Despite it all, I remain unbroken

Like any loving parent, Lua wanted what was best for her and her daughter. She worked tirelessly at her small sidewalk stall in Vietnam, but it wasn’t enough. When a customer approached her with a dream opportunity – the chance to have a high-paying job in the UK – Lua filled in the form, paid the (sizeable) fee, and submitted her identity documents. Lua put everything into the opportunity for the promise

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