Restoring Life & Dignity


A Human Trafficking Hot Spot

Though Thailand has made remarkable progress in social and economic development over the years, it remains a trafficking hot spot.

Thailand is a source, transit and destination country for sex and labor trafficking, and increasing online sexual exploitation.

Ethinic minorities, those who are stateless, and people from Thailand’s remote highlands are at heightened risk.

In Thailand, Hagar works through a local partner organization to support survivors, prevent exploitation, and prosecute perpetrators.

Country Snapshot

86 percent at risk


people are estimated to be trapped in human trafficking and modern-day slavery

1 in 11 children

1 in 10

children aged 12-17 years were victims of online sexual abuse and exploitation in 2021.

30 percent girls married


only one in every two survivors of human trafficking and modern slavery is identified and supported

Our Work in Thailand

Survivor Care Icon

Survivor Care

Holistic trauma-informed support, case management and counseling for survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.

Preventing Exploitation Icon


Equipping at-risk communities to know the signs of human trafficking and the tactics traffickers use. 

Influencing Change Icon

Strengthening Systems

Collaborating with law enforcement to identify victims, prosecute perpetrators and disrupt criminal networks off and online.

Fai Finds Freedom Through Justice

When she was 15 years old, a member of her community asked Fai if she wanted a job serving drinks at a karaoke bar. They paid for her to get to the bar and set her up to live nearby. It seemed like a great offer, but instead turned into a terrible tale of sex trafficking.

Fai’s harrowing story of exploitation ultimately ended in freedom through justice with her brave testimony and LIFT International’s dedicated support.

Read Her Story

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